Reinforcements Management Consulting is committed to acting in the conduct of its business in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Our environmental policy is developed as a statement of commitment from senior management and reflects the values and ethos of theEnvironmental sustainability policy Company. The policy is reviewed every year by management for its appropriateness and legitimacy.

The policy is communicated to people working for or on behalf of the organisation through staff and contractor inductions, and is displayed on the Company’s website.


Within the limits imposed by practicality and demands of clients and legislative agencies, Reinforcements commits to the following strategies to achieve its environmentally responsible goals.

To minimise waste generation in our operations by:

  • recycling printer paper wherever possible.
  • using recycled paper where its use will not compromise quality standards.
  • purchasing consumables with reusable, recyclable, environmentally friendly or minimal packaging.
  • minimising the use of paper through avoiding printing unnecessarily and maximising the use of electronic transmission and storage

To contribute to minimising our carbon footprint by:

  • limiting motor vehicle travel wherever possible.
  • using public transport to jobsites were feasible.
  • limiting the use of electronic heating, lighting and cooling where possible.
  • avoiding standby power supply connection when appliances are not in use.

To support and encourage third parties to adopt environmentally sustainable practices by:

  • preferring suppliers who adopt environmentally sustainable practices and policies.
  • encourage clients and stakeholders to adopt environmental sustainable practices and policies
  • encourage employees, contractors and sub consultants to adopt environmentally sustainable practices and policies
  • including the exhortation in the signature block of our emails to “consider the environment before you print this email.”

In all these things Reinforcements is commitment to continual improvement of environmental performance.

This policy was established on 1st January 2013 and most recently reviewed on 8th February 2022.

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