The Queensland Government has begun consultation on the SEQ Regional Plan Update to respond to current housing pressures caused by the significant growth that has occurred since the Plan’s adoption in 2017, and that is still occurring.
The draft Shaping SEQ 2023 Update is out for consultation until 20 September 2023. It presents major challenges and opportunities for the 12 LGA’s of the region. Nine councils in particular will be responsible for preparing “Housing Statements” outlining their responses to the provision of adequate supply, diversity and affordability of housing in their areas.
The Regional Plan Update projects growth in population of 2.2 million additional persons by 2046. This implies 900,000 new homes over 23 years and one million new jobs. Major planning and governance challenges for Local Government will need to be met – and promptly – to integrate new Growth Management Plans, updated Planning Schemes and Infrastructure Plans. This will definitely require both State and Local governments to collaborate effectively to achieve “Implementation Assurance”.
Local Government responses for producing Housing Statements are voluntary but the State Government reserves the right to introduce other means of achieving effective implementation, if not satisfied that the proposed strategies will do so.
Seventy percent of the new housing provision is planned to be delivered in existing development areas with 3,250 hectares provided by means of new green field developments. Twenty percent of the new housing is planned to be affordable/social housing.
Successful implementation of the Plan relies greatly on State and Local Government collaboration and capacity. So, councils will need to consider their responses carefully.
Typically, the SEQ councils will need to consider how to resource:
- Submissions to DSDILGP in response to the exhibition of the Shaping SEQRP Update; and
- Advising and supporting their governance, management and planning responsiveness to achieve the necessary collaboration sought by DSDILGP for effective Implementation Assurance – including the revision of Growth Management Strategies, revised Planning Schemes and the integration of development and infrastructure planning.
If your council is one of those affected and you would like to discuss how Reinforcements can help you with these tasks, don’t hesitate to contact Gary Kellar (0411838760) or David Broyd (0419142350).